Day 7: 80/20

So, first of all, October is definitely here, because pumpkin came back in full force this morning.

And I do mean full force:

I don’t mess around when it comes to pumpkin, kids.

Breakfast was an amazing pumpkin yogurt bowl with Pumpkin Spice coffee from Trader Joe’s.

Just in case you’re wondering, fall had a party in my mouth this morning. Yes, you heard me. A party in my mouth.

This coffee?

Delicious. Officially my second favorite coffee to come from Trader Joe’s (The first is that Winter/ Christmas/ Holiday/ whatever it’s called blend. It’s heavenly). Who needs a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks when you can have this cup of coffee at home?

And not only does it make the house smell amazing, but it makes your tastebuds say “yay, fall!” It also didn’t hurt that it was a little cooler this morning.

Don’t mess with me, SoCal! I’m believing this fall thing!

As for the pumpkin yogurt bowl… guys, you have to try this.

Into the mix went:

  • Vanilla 0% Chobani (so important that you use this and not plain)
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree
  • Nut Granola (gave it necessary texture)
  • ground blueberry flaxseed
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • tiny dash of nutmeg

So. Freaking. Good.

It was kind of like having pumpkin pie for breakfast. Actually, what it was really reminiscent of was pumpkin mousse. I’ll definitely be repeating it later in the week, so you’ll get to see what it looks like all mixed up, too.

You know. Something to look forward to.

Oh, and all of this was especially delicious after workout #1 of the day, which was 50 minutes on the elliptical.

Lunch was pretty good too, if not in the same exact color palette.

Have you guys seen the new frozen quinoa mix at Trader Joe’s?

(Man, I should really be a sales rep for TJ’s).

Well, I bought it, and while it’s not everything I hoped it would be, I will definitely be buying it again and am a fan of how convenient and wholesome it is.

I had half of the package for lunch (technically it’s supposed to be two servings, but again, I say… please). I also added crumbled feta on top. Best decision ever, just in case you’re wondering.

I’m already looking forward to the leftovers.

I had a Luna bar for snack in the afternoon, which leads me to something I’ve been thinking about and definitely something I want to address on here: I’m not perfect and I don’t think I should try or pretend to be. I think that an 80/20 approach to eating is a healthy attitude and definitely one I feel is realistic. Life happens. Sometimes, what you have available to you is what you’re going to eat. Other times, you just don’t have it in you to be on point. Other times still, your social life gets in the way. But you can be aware of the guidelines by which you want to live and try to live by them in general — and when you get off track, you can know that it was in your 20 and get right back into your 80.

So, 80/20. I think that’s fair.

And thank goodness, because I also snacked on a few of Mark’s granola crisps when I got home. And by “a few,” I mean, “I should probably buy him a new package because, wow, are they addicting.”

Fortunately, I followed those snacks with workout #2 of the day: 35 minutes of a strength circuit while I watched some TV I’ve been saving on my DVR. Tonight brought Prime Suspect and Revenge. Currently loving both. I also watched Two Broke Girls. I like that one too, mostly.

Strength training was immediately followed by an easy and super tasty dinner.

I had half (again, I totally disregarded the serving size) of a package of the Trader Joe’s Vegetable Melange (peas, carrots, corn and cauliflower in a deeeelish butter sauce) with two falafel (… also from Trader Joe’s. Yikes to predictability.).

Again, look forward to leftovers. Being single at least lets me repeat good meals.

Oh, god, that was so sad. Ignore that.

Moving on! Dessert was one of my Honey Nut Cookies (again, recipe to come)… and I may or may not have had a spoonful of Sunflower Seed Butter, too.

I can’t help myself, guys. It’s an addiction.

Alright, so… question time! What do you think of my 80/20 approach? Does that kind of thing work for you?


Filed under Blog Posts

7 responses to “Day 7: 80/20

  1. I love the 80/20 idea! When I’m doing well things average out to be about that ratio.

    Some days I’m 100% good, other days I’m 50% bad, but I think 80/20 is a good goal to have. It keeps you motivated, but also keeps you from going nuts with restrictions (and abandoning all hope).

  2. Yes 80/20 all the way! 🙂 There’s no sense in beating yourself up/dwelling on a ‘slip up’! You’re working hard enough already! I wonder does thinking about eating healthy burn calories too 🙂

    Next week starts my first days of trying to get back on track! Keep up the blog it’s inspiring me 🙂

  3. First, I LOVE Revenge, I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I’m hooked now!! 2 broke girls is hilarious, i laughed through the whole episode last night.

  4. I need to find that coffee! That sounds delicious. We have a ton in our pantry though.

    I’m not watching any new tv shows. Still stuck on Dexter, Grey’s (it’s meh now but I keep watching) and Parenthood. That’s all we watch!

  5. I just want you to know how happy I am you have that mug 😉

  6. Say what?!?!? I have that mug too and it is my absolute favorite to drink from!

    I will have to keep an eye out for that coffee. Hopefully Minnesota carries it too!

    And the 80/20 rule is smart, but you know my feelings on that already. 😉

  7. Those falafels look awesome! You’re doing a great job!

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